‘Your Fisheries’ is a catchment fisheries initiative developed by The Rivers Trust in conjunction with the Environment Agency and Angling Trust. 'Your Fisheries' provides a common web-based planning system (and information repository) that brings together evidence and knowledge from a range of different sources to enable the production of catchment specific fisheries reports. These reports are intended to represent a multi-partner perspective on the current status of fish populations and fishing opportunity in the catchment, the key factors regulating status, and the actions required to maintain and/or deliver improvements.
By adopting an inclusive, weight of evidence based approach these reports are intended to help guide local fisheries management actions, maximize the benefits of working together to deliver them, and ensure evidence and actions are recognized and integrated into wider catchment management objectives and the activities of associated partner organisations.
The System is designed to be adaptive, enabling new versions of the report or additional nested sub‐reports to be created for sub‐catchments, sections defined using simple in‐built GIS functionality), or particular species of interest – as and when the need arises and/or new information becomes available (e.g. annual survey data).
For more information on any aspect of ‘Your Fisheries’ please contact Tom Sherwood, tom@theriverstrust.org